Home Page Advanced Equations Intermediate Equations Fluorine Ozone Potassium Dichromate Potassium Permanganate

Assorted Equations



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Equation 1.

Al2O3 + C + Cl2 AlCl3 + CO


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Equation 2.

Cu + FeCl3 FeCl2+ CuCl2


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Equation 3.

Pb + CH3COOH + O2 Pb(CH3COO)2 + H2O


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Equation 4.

Sn + HNO3(dil.) → Sn(NO3)2 + H2O + NH4NO3


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Equation 5.

Sn + HNO3(conc.) → H2SnO3 + H2O + NO2


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Equation 6.

Sn + NaOH+ H2O → Na2SnO2 + H2


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Equation 7.

Ag + KCN + O2 + H2O → K[Ag(CN)2] + KOH


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Equation 8.

Si + HF → H2SiF6 + H2


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Equation 9.

Si + NaOH + H2O → Na2SiO3 + H2


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Equation 10.

P4 + NaOH + H2O → PH3 + NaH2PO2


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Equation 11.

Br2 + Na2SO3 + H2O → Na2SO4 + HBr


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Equation 12.

Br2 + SO2 + H2O → H2SO4 + HBr


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Equation 13.

Br2 + NH3 N2 + NH4Br


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Equation 14.

Br2 + Na2CO3 NaBr + NaBrO3 + CO2


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Equation 15.

NaBr + NaBrO3 + H2SO4Na2SO4 + H2O + Br2


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Equation 16.

I2 + Na2S2O3 Na2S4O6 + NaI


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Equation 17.

I2 + NH3 NI3NH3 + HI


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Equation 18.

I2 + NaOH(cold & dil) → NaI + NaIO + H2O


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Equation 19.

I2 + NaOH(hot & conc.) → NaI + NaIO3 + H2O


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Equation 20.

NaIO3+NaHSO3 Na2SO4+NaHSO4+H2O + I2


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Equation 21.

Na2SO3 + S → Na2S2O3


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Equation 22.

Na2S2O3 + HCl → NaCl + S + SO2 + H2O


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Equation 23.

Na2S2O3 + AgNO3 Ag2S2O3(white) + NaNO3


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Equation 24.

Ag2S2O3 + H2O → Ag2S(black) + H2SO4


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Equation 25.

CuSO4 + KI → CuI + K2SO4 + I2


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Equation 26.

Ag2S + NaCN + O2 NaAg(CN)2 + Na2SO4


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