Home Page Intermediate Equations Assorted Equations Fluorine Potassium Dichromate Potassium Permanganate Hydrogen Peroxide


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Preparation of Ozone:

O2 O3


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Reactions of Ozone:

1. Ozone oxidizes Lead(II)sulphide(black) into Lead(II)sulphate(white):

PbS + O3 PbSO4 + O2


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2. Ozone oxidizes Potassium iodide into iodine:

KI + O3 + H2O → I2 + KOH + O2


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3. Ozone oxidises mercury into mercury(I)oxide (mercurous oxide), which dissolves in mercury. Due to this mercury loses ints meniscus and starts sticking to the sides of glass. This is known as Tailing of Mercury:

Hg + O3 Hg2O + O2


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Home Page Intermediate Equations Assorted Equations Fluorine Potassium Dichromate Potassium Permanganate Hydrogen Peroxide TOP

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