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Preparation of Oxygen(Laboratory Methods):

1.In the presence of Manganese(IV) oxide(catalyst), Hydrogen peroxide decomposes faster into water and Oxygen:

H2 O2 H2 O + O2


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2.In the presence of Manganese(IV) oxide(catalyst), Potassium chlorate decomposes faster into Potassium chloride and Oxygen:

KClO3 KCl + O2


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3.Sodium peroxide reacts with water to form Sodium hydroxide and Oxygen:

Na2 O2 + H2 O → NaOH+ O2


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Preparation of Oxygen(Other methods):

1.When chocolate brown Lead(IV) oxide is heated strongly, it decomposes into yellow Lead(II) oxide powder and Oxygen gas:

PbO2 PbO + O2


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2.When orange-red Lead(II,IV) oxide(Tri Lead tetroxide) is heated strongly, it decomposes into yellow lead(II) oxide powder and Oxygen gas:

Pb3 O4 PbO + O2


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3.When red Mercury(II) oxide is heated strongly, it decomposes into Mercury and Oxygen gas:

HgO → Hg + O2


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4.When brown Silver oxide is heated strongly, it decomposes into Silver and Oxygen gas:

Ag2 O → Ag + O2


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5.When Potassium permanganate is heated, it decomposes into Potassium manganate, Manganese(IV) oxide and Oxygen gas:

KMnO4 K2 MnO4 + MnO2 + O2


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Reactions of Oxygen:

1.A mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen, when ignited, burns with a 'pop' sound to form water:

H2 + O2 H2 O


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2.Carbon , when ignited,burns in excess Oxygen to form Carbon dioxide:

C + O2 CO2


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3.In limited amount of air Carbon , when ignited,forms Carbon monoxide:

C + O2 CO


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4. At 3000o C or during lightning discharge, Nitrogen reacts with Oxygen to form Nirogen monoxide(Nitric oxide):

N2 + O2 NO


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5.Phosphorous, when ignited,burns in Oxygen to form white fumes of Phosphorous pentoxide:

P + O2 P2 O5


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6.Sulphur , when ignited,burns in Oxygen with a blue flame to form colourless and pungent smelling Sulphur dioxide gas:

S + O2 SO2


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1.Potassium metal, when ignited, burns in oxygen with a lilac flame to form a mixture of Potassium oxide and Potassium superoxide:

K + O2 K2 O


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K + O2 KO2


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2.Sodium metal, when ignited, burns in oxygen with a yellow flame to form a mixture of Sodium oxide and Sodium peroxide:

Na + O2 Na2 O


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Na + O2 Na2 O2


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3.Calcium metal, when ignited, burns in oxygen with a brick red flame to form white Calcium oxide powder:

Ca + O2 CaO


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4.Magnesium metal, when ignited, burns in oxygen with a dazzling flame to form white Magnesium oxide powder:

Mg + O2 MgO


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5.Heated Aluminium metal reacts with oxygen to form white Aluminium oxide powder:

Al + O2 Al2 O3


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6.Heated Zinc metal reacts with oxygen to form Zinc oxide powder which is yellow when hot and white when cold:

Zn + O2 ZnO


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7.Heated Iron metal reacts with oxygen to form bluish black Iron(II,III) oxide(Tri Iron tetroxide):

Fe + O2 Fe3 O4


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8.Heated Lead metal reacts with oxygen to form Lead(II) oxide powder which is orange when hot and yellow when cold:

Pb + O2 PbO


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9.Heated Copper metal reacts with oxygen to form black Copper(II) oxide powder:

Cu + O2 CuO


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10.Heated Mercury metal reacts with oxygen to form red Mercury(II) oxide powder:

Hg + O2 HgO


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1.Carbon monoxide gas burns in Oxygen with a blue flame to form carbon dioxide gas:

CO + O2 CO2


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2.Nitrogen monoxide gas reacts with Oxygen to form reddish brown Nitrogen dioxide gas:

NO + O2 NO2


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3. In the presence of Vanadium pentoxide(catalyst) at about 450o C,Sulphur dioxide gas reacts with Oxygen to form Sulphur trioxide:

SO2 + O2 SO3


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4.When strongly heated in air, Zinc sulphide reacts with Oxygen to form Zinc oxide and Sulphur dioxide gas:

ZnS + O2 ZnO + SO2


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5.When strongly heated in air, Lead(II) sulphide reacts with Oxygen to form Lead(II) oxide and Sulphur dioxide gas:

PbS + O2 PbO + SO2


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6.When ignited, Methane burns in Oxygen to form Carbon dioxide and water:

CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2 O


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