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Preparation of Ammonia:

1.When Ammonium Chloride is heated with slaked lime (Calcium hydroxide),Ammonia gas is formed:

NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2+ NH3 + H2O


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2.When Magnesium nitride is added to water, Ammonia gas is formed:

Mg3N2 + H2O → Mg(OH)2 + NH3


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3.When Aluminium nitride is added to water, Ammonia gas is formed:

AlN + H2O → Al(OH)3 + NH3


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4.When A mixture of Nitrogen gas and Hydrogen gas is passed over Iron catalyst at 200 atm pressure and 450oC, Ammonia gas is formed (Haber Process):

N2 + H2  ⇌   NH3


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Reactions of Ammonia:

1. Ammonia reacts with Hydrogen Chloride gas to form white fumes of Ammonium chloride:

HCl + NH3 NH4Cl


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2. Ammonia reacts with Nitric acid to form Ammonium nitrate:



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3. Ammonia reacts with Sulphuric acid to form Ammonium sulphate:

H2SO4 + NH3 (NH4)2SO4


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4.Ammonia burns in oxygen to form Nitrogen gas:

NH3 + O2 N2 + H2O


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5.Ammonia reduces black copper(II)oxide into brown copper metal:

NH3 + CuO → N2 + Cu + H2O


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6.Ammonia reduces yellow lead(II)oxide into grey lead metal:

NH3 + PbO → N2 + Pb + H2O


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7.Excess Ammonia reacts with Chlorine gas to form white fumes of Ammonium chloride:

NH3 + Cl2 N2 + NH4Cl


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8.Excess Chlorine reacts with Ammonia gas to form misty fumes of Hydrogen chloride:

NH3 + Cl2 NCl3 + HCl


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9. When a mixture of Ammonia and air is passed over hot platinum catalyst, Ammonia reacts with oxygen of air to form nirogen monoxide gas:

NH3 + O2  ⇌   NO + H2O


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Reactions of aqueous Ammonia(Ammonium Hydroxide):

1. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Lead(II)nitrate, a white precipitate of Lead(II)hydroxide is formed.This precipitate is insoluble in excess aqueous ammonia:

NH4OH + Pb(NO3)2 Pb(OH)2 + NH4NO3


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2. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Iron(II)sulphate, a green precipitate of Iron(II)hydroxide is formed.This precipitate is insoluble in excess aqueous ammonia:

NH4OH + FeSO4 Fe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4


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3. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Iron(III)chloride, a reddish brown precipitate of Iron(III)hydroxide is formed.This precipitate is insoluble in excess aqueous ammonia:

NH4OH + FeCl3 Fe(OH)3 + NH4Cl


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4. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Aluminium chloride, a white gelatinous precipitate of Aluminium hydroxide is formed.This precipitate is insoluble in excess aqueous ammonia:

NH4OH + AlCl3 Al(OH)3 + NH4Cl


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5. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Copper(II)sulphate, a blue precipitate of Copper(II)hydroxide is formed.This precipitate dissolves in excess aqueous ammonia to form a deep blue solution:

NH4OH + CuSO4 Cu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4


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Cu(OH)2 + NH3 Cu(NH3)42+ + OH-


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6. When aqueous Ammonia is added to a solution of Zinc sulphate, a white gelatinous precipitate of Zinc hydroxide is formed.This precipitate dissolves in excess aqueous ammonia to form a colourless solution:

NH4OH + ZnSO4 Zn(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4


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Zn(OH)2 + NH3 Zn(NH3)42+ + OH-


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Home Page Elementary Equations Advanced Equations Assorted Equations Hydrogen Chloride Chlorine
Nitric Acid Sulphur Dioxide Hydrogen Sulphide Sulphuric Acid Sodium Hydroxide TOP

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